611 Bus Route Sharjah Timing, Schedule, Stops, Route maps from Kalba-Al Jubail Bus station

Sharjah RTA Bus Route 611 – Intercity Bus in Sharjah

611 Bus Route from Kalba to Al Jubail Bus Station via Fujairah

Timing, Schedule, Stops, Route maps, Trip Cost

611 Stops in the following routes

  • Kalba
  • Fujairah
  • Masafi
  • Al Dhaid
  • Al Batayah
  • Sharjah international airport
  • Al Jubail Bus station

What is timing of the the first and last bus 611?

It starts at 8.35 am and the last bus is at 12.30 am

How to contact Sharjah Road Transport Authority?

Email: info@srta.gov.ae

Phone: +971 65580097, 600525252

Fax: +971 65624555

Mailing address: Sharjah Road Transport Authority, PO Box 30330, Sharjah, UAE

Website: https://www.srta.gov.ae/ar-ae/home.html

How to pay for the bus fare in Sharjah?

Check the procedure to pay for the bus fare in Sharjah through the above link.

Which card is used in Sharjah bus?

List of Bus Routes in Sharjah, UAE

View the List of Bus Routes in Sharjah, UAE through the above link.

Mowasalat Sharjah Bus Customer Care Contacts Details

Phone & WhatsApp: (+974)44588888

Email: customercare@mowasalat.com

Working Day: Sunday to Saturday (24 Hours)

List of Bus Stations in Sharjah, UAE

View the List of Bus Stations in Sharjah, UAE through the above link.

611 Bus Route Sharjah new Timetable

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