Iran’s Drone and Missile Attack: How Does It Affect the UAE?

Iran’s Drone and Missile Attack: How Does It Affect the UAE?


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is facing many drone and missile attacks due to the conflict in Yemen. The UAE joined a group led by Saudi Arabia to help Yemen in 2015 after rebels called Houthis took over Yemen’s capital, Sanaa. The Houthis, who are supported by Iran, have been behind most of the recent attacks on the UAE. The Houthis have attacked Saudi Arabia before, but they haven’t attacked the UAE directly since 2018.

The Houthis have been claiming responsibility for most of the recent attacks on the UAE. However, a group from Iraq also said they were behind one of the attacks. This shows that the UAE is now facing threats from different sides.

The UAE has been trying to avoid direct fights with the Houthis, but recently, groups supported by the UAE have been moving into Houthi territory, which has led to more attacks on the UAE. This article provides detailed information on how the drone and missile attacks from Iran have affected the UAE.

Reasons behind the conflict

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been a major player in the Middle East because of its strategic location and growing economic and political influence. However, the UAE’s stability has been threatened by the ongoing conflict in Yemen and the problems between the U.S. and Iran.

In recent years, the UAE has experienced several drone and missile attacks, which have caused major damage and loss of life. The UAE’s involvement in the conflict in Yemen and its support for the Saudi-led coalition have made it a target of the Iran-aligned Houthi group, which has claimed several attacks on the UAE’s infrastructure, including the Abu Dhabi airport and oil facilities.

The UAE’s relations with the U.S. have also been affected by the Iran drone and missile attacks. The UAE has been a strong ally of the U.S. in the region, and the U.S. has provided the UAE with military and economic support. The UAE has been caught in the middle of these problems, and its security is at risk because of the fight between the U.S. and Iran. The UAE has tried to maintain a neutral position, but its strategic location and close ties with the U.S. have made it a target of Iran’s attack.


Here is a timeline of the recent attacks:

  • January 17: A drone attack by the Houthis caused an explosion in Abu Dhabi. Many people were killed and injured in the attack.
  • January 24: The UAE stopped two missiles fired by the Houthis in Abu Dhabi. The Houthis also sent more missiles and drones towards Dubai.
  • The UAE has been working with the US to protect its airspace from these attacks. They are trying to form a group with the US to defend against threats from Iran. The US has been helping countries like Israel and Sunni Arab nations to work together against Iran. This cooperation got stronger with the Abraham Accords in 2020 and Israel moving closer to the US Central Command in 2021.

How did the drone and missile attacks affect the UAE’s airspace and flights?

  • The drone and missile attacks on the UAE significantly impacted its airspace and flights. These attacks led to the cancellation and rerouting of flights as multiple countries in the region closed their airspaces temporarily.
  • UAE-based airlines, including Flydubai, Etihad Airways, and Emirates, had to cancel some flights and reroute others for the safety of passengers and aircraft.

What are the measures taken to protect its Airspace?

The UAE has taken various measures to protect its airspace from drones and missiles. These measures include:

  • The UAE has destroyed several drones that have entered its airspace. On January 20, 2022, the UAE destroyed three drones that entered its airspace over unpopulated areas.
  • The UAE has also destroyed incoming missiles. On January 24, 2022, the UAE intercepted and destroyed two ballistic missiles fired at Abu Dhabi by the Houthis.
  • On February 3, 2022, the UAE took measures to block drone attacks.
  • The UAE has temporarily closed its airspace due to the threat of drones and missiles. On April 14, 2024, UAE-based airlines cancelled some flights due to Iran’s drone and missile attacks on Israel

Impact on the UAE and its response

  • The attacks on the UAE have caused big problems for daily life and the economy. They have also made people worried about the safety of the UAE’s buildings and people.
  • The attacks have also had a significant impact on the UAE’s economy, particularly the tourism sector, which accounts for 12.2 percent of the country’s GDP.

The UAE has done many things to respond to these attacks, like making its air defenses stronger and improving its cybersecurity capabilities. The UAE is also working with other countries in the area and outside to stop the threat from the Houthis and their allies. The UAE has also asked for a peaceful solution to the conflict in Yemen and has told all sides to talk and find a peaceful answer.

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