Planning an Eid Getaway? Here’s How to Keep Your Dewa Bills Under Control

Many inhabitants of Dubai are keen to arrange a trip to take part in the celebrations as the Eid holiday draws near. To minimize unforeseen expenses, it’s imperative to closely monitor your Dewa (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority) bills given the spike in energy consumption during this time. We’ll look at useful advice in this post to assist you control your utility costs and energy consumption while on vacation for Eid.

Unplug and Save: Simple Steps to Reduce Energy Consumption

One of the simplest strategies to reduce your Dewa expenditures when getting ready for your Eid vacation is to disconnect any electronics and appliances that won’t be utilized. This covers devices such as laptops, TVs, chargers, and even tiny kitchen gadgets. These gadgets can use a lot of energy in standby mode even when they are not in use, which raises the total amount of electricity you use.

Efficient Air Conditioning: Setting the Right Temperature

Air conditioning is a must during Dubai’s scorching summer months. Finding the ideal mix between comfort and energy efficiency is crucial, though. Adjust the temperature of your air conditioning to a little higher setting, about 24–26°C, to keep your home comfortable and lessen the load on your unit. You can also reduce your energy usage and increase the efficiency of your air conditioning system by keeping your air conditioning filters clean and in good condition.

Lighting Solutions: Maximizing Natural Light and Using LED Bulbs

When on your Eid vacation, make the most of the natural light by leaving your curtains and blinds open. Your dependency on artificial lighting, which can dramatically increase your Dewa bills, can be greatly reduced by doing this. Energy-efficient LED bulbs are a better choice for interior lighting since they use less energy and last longer than conventional incandescent bulbs.

Water Conservation: Preventing Waste and Reducing Costs

During your Eid vacation, you can also significantly reduce your Dewa costs by using less water. Take brief showers, turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, and fix any leaks or dripping faucets as easy ways to conserve water. Additionally, try to run your dishwashing and laundry machines only when you have a full load. Be careful of your routines.

Monitoring and Alerts: Utilizing Dewa’s Smart Services

A variety of smart services are available from Dewa to assist you in tracking and controlling your water and energy usage. To view real-time usage data, set consumption alerts, and get notifications if your usage surges unexpectedly, download the Dewa app or sign in to your online account. During your Eid vacation, this might assist you in locating and addressing any areas with high consumption.

These tips will help you enjoy your Eid vacation without worrying about paying too much for Dewa. Recall that even minor adjustments to your water and energy use patterns can have a big impact on your overall utility bills. For a more sustainable Eid vacation in Dubai, plan ahead, keep informed, and adopt a more conscientious mindset.

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