Support for Kuwait: UAE-Based NRI Businessman Announces Aid Fund

Background of the Kuwait Tragedy

On June 12, a destructive fire that started in a seven-story building in Kuwait’s Mangaf neighbourhood claimed 49 lives, 45 of whom were Indian. Around the world, people have been shocked by the tragedy and have expressed their sympathies and support for the impacted families.

The Businessman’s Philanthropic Legacy

A major relief effort has been announced in response to this tragedy by well-known NRI businessman MA Yusuff Ali, Chairman of Lulu Group, who is located in the United Arab Emirates. The businessman’s dedication to helping those in need is demonstrated by this charitable deed.

Details of the Announced Relief Fund

As part of this relief fund, MA Yusuff Ali has announced that each family of the deceased will receive an ex-gratia amount of Rs 5 lakh. This aid will be provided through the Non-Resident Keralite’s Affairs (NORKA) to ensure that the families receive the necessary support during this difficult time.

Community and International Reactions

The community and foreign organizations have expressed their gratitude for the announcement in large numbers. Similar relief grants have been announced by the governments of Kerala and India. The Kerala government is giving Rs 1 lakh to injured people and Rs 5 lakh to the relatives of the deceased. Additionally, the relatives of the departed Indian citizens would receive an ex-gratia payment of Rs 2 lakh from the PM Relief Fund, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

How to Contribute and Get Involved

International groups and the community at large have expressed their gratitude for the announcement. Both the Indian and Keralan governments have offered comparable relief payments; the Keralan government is giving Rs 1 lakh to injured people and Rs 5 lakh to the relatives of the deceased. Ex-gratia compensation of Rs 2 lakh from the PM Compensation Fund has also been announced by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the families of the slain Indian citizens.

The tragedy in Kuwait is a sobering reminder of the value of charity and communal assistance during difficult times. The NRI businessman in the UAE’s relief effort is a brilliant illustration of the beneficial effects that can result from people banding together to assist others in need.


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