UAE introduces family group tourist visa with free entry for kids under 18

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recently announced a new family group tourist visa that allows children under the age of 18 to travel for free. This initiative is aimed at promoting family tourism and making it easier for families to visit the UAE. In this article, we will discuss
the details of this new visa and its benefits for families.

The Family Group Tourist Visa in UAE:

The family group tourist visa is valid for 30 days and can be extended twice, for 30 days each time. It allows a family of up to six members to visit the UAE together. The visa is available for all nationalities and can be obtained online or through travel agencies. The visa is free for children under the age of 18 who are traveling with their parents. This means that families can save a significant amount of money on visa fees, making it more affordable to travel to the UAE. The visa also allows families to travel together, which can be a great way to create
lasting memories and strengthen family bonds.

Benefits of the Family Group Tourist Visa:

The family group tourist visa has several benefits for families. Firstly, it makes it more affordable for families to travel to the UAE. Visa fees can be a significant expense, especially for families with multiple children. By excluding visa fees for children under 18, the UAE government is making it easier for families to visit the country.

Secondly, the visa allows families to travel together, which can be a great way to create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds. Family vacations are an opportunity for parents and children to spend quality time together and explore new places. By making it easier for
families to travel to the UAE, the government is promoting family tourism and encouraging families to spend time together.


To apply for a family group tourist visa, families will need to submit the following documents:

  • A valid passport for each family member
  • A recent passport-size photo for each family member
  • Proof of accommodation in the UAE
  • Proof of health insurance for each family member
  • A bank statement showing a minimum balance of AED 4,000 (or equivalent) for each family member

Visa duration:

The family group tourist visa is available for one-time applications for families traveling together, and it is valid for 30 or 60 days, which can be extended within the country. Children under the age of 12 will be able to travel to the UAE for free. However, children between 12 and
18 years of age are exempt from visa fees but may have to pay a service fee for visa processing, which can cost between 80 AED (Rs 1,812) and 120 AED (Rs 2,266).


You can apply for the UAE family group tourist visa through

The cost of a 30-day visa ranges from 350 AED (Rs 6,800) to 500 AED (Rs 11,334), while the cost of a 60-day visa ranges from 500 AED to 650 AED (Rs 14,734), with service charges, including insurance, potentially costing from 130 AED (Rs 2,946) to 170 AED (3,853).


The family group tourist visa is a great initiative by the UAE government to promote family tourism and make it easier for families to visit the country. By excluding the visa fees for children under 18, the government is making it more affordable for families to travel to the UAE.
The visa also allows families to travel together, which can be a great way to create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds. This initiative will encourage more families to visit the UAE and experience its rich culture and hospitality.

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